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Invite or Add New People to E3 (and how to remove existing users)

Learn how you can invite and remove members from your group.

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Inviting Members

Removing Members


Inviting Members
Step 1:

Begin by selecting the Group. Next, click on Settings > Group Members.

Step 2:

Once you access the Group Members menu, you will find a list of all the current members of the group.

To invite a new member, simply click on the Add People button. Once you click on the button, a new screen will open where you need to enter the email of the invitee.

Members will show all users that have created an account in E3.

Invited will show pending invitations, meaning they still need to go click on the email in their inbox and create an account. 

Step 3: 

In the Add People window, you can enter the email address of the member you wish to invite into the search bar and click on Add.

From here, you have the option to add more members or proceed to the next step.

Step 4:

Assign the role from the drop-down menu. 

Step 5:

Once done. Click on Add People, then click Confirm on the pop-up to send the invitations.



Removing Members

Step 1:

Begin by selecting the Group. Next, click on Settings > Group Members.

Step 2:

Search the member's name or locate them from the list of members. Click on the action button of the member you want to remove.

Step 3:

A confirmation pop-up will display, prompting you to confirm the removal of the chosen member. To proceed with deleting the member, simply click on the Remove button.



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