Learn how to use the Admin Portal to manage groups, users, alerts, and roles effectively.
To gain access to the admin portal, you must reach out to your Project Manager, Customer Success Manager, or help@emergent3.com so we can send you an invitation to create an account.
Video Guide
Jump To Section
- Parent Groups
- Accessing and Editing Groups
- Creating/Editing a New Alert
- Creating/Editing a New Role
- Viewing Child Groups
- Inviting Users
- Managing Invited Users
- Adding Existing Users
- Assigning User Roles
- Removing Users
- Viewing Registered Devices
- Sending Test Notifications
- Viewing a User's Groups / Adding and Removing Users from the User Edit Page
The Groups Page-png-1.png?width=688&height=360&name=image%201%20(1)-png-1.png)
This is where you can manage all your campuses or locations.
Parent Groups
A hyphen under the parent group means that you're looking at the Parent Group. (Jordan K Training, in the below screenshot).
This is where all your alerts, roles, and plans are created and then pushed out automatically to the child groups.
Accessing and Editing A Group
1. Search for the group's name and click on Details.
2. You will see the group's details. Click on Edit to view the Edit Group page.
3. You will see the Edit Group page.
Feel free to edit the group's name or address here as needed.
Creating/Editing A New Alert
You can reach out to your Project Manager, Customer Success Manager, or help@emergent3.com if you need help creating new alerts.
Make sure you're at the Parent Group if you're creating a new Shared alert.
You will NOT be able to create shared alerts from a child group.
1. Click on Alert Type(s) from the Edit Group page. (click here if you don't know how to get to the Edit Group page)
2. Click on New Alert Type.
To edit an existing alert, click on the Edit button of that alert instead.
3. Click on Choose File to upload an icon.
4. Enter the Name (required) and Description (optional).
5. Choose Default Visibility settings.
Choose "Internal" for it to be visible to your current group and child groups, or "External" to make it visible to both internal groups and external relations like first responders.
6. Choose Approval Required settings.
Indicates that administrator approval is needed before dispatching the alert.
7. Choose Shared settings.
A shared alert type will allow child groups to see and use this alert type.
8. Choose Silent By Default settings.
Indicates that any alerts of this type dispatched from the app will have the silent option activated by default.
9. Choose Scoped Roles settings.
Specify which app roles can receive this alert. Leaving it blank means everyone will receive the alert.
10. Click on Save & Add Plans, and add the Name and Description for the plan.
This Saves the alert in the group while letting you add plans quickly.
You can also click on Save & Exit if you want to save the alert without adding a plan.
If you want to add additional plans on the alert, simply click on the Add Plan button.
11. Hit Save to save your changes.
You should now see the new plan reflect on the Alert Type(s) page.
Creating/Editing a New Role
Creating a role from a parent group shares that group to all the child groups.
A role created from a child group will only be visible to that child group.
1. Click on Role(s) from the Edit Group page. (click here if you don't know how to get to the Edit Group page)
2. Click on New Role.
If you want to edit a role, click on the Edit button of that role instead.
3. Enter the role's Name, Description (optional), and set their Permissions.
To know more about E3 Permissions, visit the article below.
4. Click on Save to save your changes.
Viewing Child Groups
You can reach out to your Project Manager, Customer Success Manager, or help@emergent3.com if you need to create a new group.
You can only view the Child Group(s) tab from a Parent Group.
1. Click on Child Group(s) from the Edit Group page. (click here if you don't know how to get to the Edit Group page)
2. Click on the Details button of the child group you want to view.
This will take you to the child group's Details page, similar to the Details page of a parent group.
Clicking on the Edit button from that Details page will take you to the Edit Group page similar to the parent group.
Anything you edit in the child group will stay only in the child group, such as Roles and Alert Types.
Inviting Users
Inviting or adding users in a parent group does not push out to child groups.
An invited or added user will only show on the group where they were invited or added, regardless if it's a parent or a child.
1. Click on Invitation(s) from the Edit Group page. (click here if you don't know how to get to the Edit Group page)
2. If you have a long list of users to invite, you can click on Import CSV.
The accepted format for CSVs is to have the emails of the people you want to invite in column 1. Check out the quick steps below:
Create New Excel / Google Sheet file > Add all user emails in column 1 > Save as CSV > Upload
3. If you want to add individual users, click on Add Users.
4. Enter the email of the user you want to invite and click on Invite.
5. Add roles to the user and click Save.
You can add multiple users in this view by simply typing in a new email and clicking on the Invite button again.
6. Review the changes and click Confirm to save the changes.
Once you click Confirm, the users you invited will receive an email with the invitation link that they can click to create their account.
Managing Invited Users
You can use the following options to help your users join E3 if they're having trouble with the invitation link sent to their email.
1. Click on Invitation(s) from the Edit Group page. (click here if you don't know how to get to the Edit Group page)
2. Click on Copy Invite to copy the invitation link of the user.
You can give this link to the user who did not receive the email invitation.
Upon clicking on the link, they will be directed to an account creation page and will automatically join the group once complete.
They must have E3 installed in their device before they click the invitation link.
3. Click on Resent Invite to send another email to the user containing an invitation link.
If the user did not receive the invitation email for any reason (i.e. network delay), you can use this method to push another email out to them.
Once the user successfully creates their account, they will be removed from the Invitation(s) tab and will appear in the User(s) tab.
Adding Existing Users
If you have users that already exists in your other groups and you want to add them to new groups, follow the steps below.
1. Click on User(s) from the Edit Group page. (click here if you don't know how to get to the Edit Group page)
2. Click on Add People.
3. Enter the name or email and click on Add.
4. Enter their Role(s) and click on Save once done.
5. Click Confirm.
Assigning User Roles
1. Click on User(s) from the Edit Group page. (click here if you don't know how to get to the Edit Group page)
2. Click the Edit button of the user you want to edit.
3. Edit their Role(s) and click on Save.
Removing Users
1. Click on User(s) from the Edit Group page. (click here if you don't know how to get to the Edit Group page)
2. Click the Remove button of the user you want to remove.
3. Click Confirm to remove them from the group.
This is where you can manage all the users registered in your groups.
Accessing and Editing A User
1. Search for the user's name or email then click on their Details button.
2. You will see the user's details. Click on Edit to access the Edit User page.
3. You will see the Edit User page.
Feel free to edit the user's information here as needed.
Viewing Registered Devices
1. Click on Registered Device(s) from the Edit User page. (click here if you don't know how to get to the Edit User page)
2. You will see the devices that the user is logged in to.
Any device you see in the list indicates that they are currently logged in on that device.
Sending Test Notifications
This only works for mobile devices.
Test notifications will not work for users who are logged in to Desktop devices.
This is particularly useful if you want to verify that your user will receive E3 notifications for actual alerts or drills.
1. Click on Registered Device(s) from the Edit User page. (click here if you don't know how to get to the Edit User page)
2. Click on the Send Test Notification button of the device you want to test for the user.
Clicking on this button immediately sends the test notification.
You can also click on the Log Out button if you want to log the user out from that device.
Viewing User's Groups / Adding and Removing Users from the User Edit Page
1. Click on Group(s) from the Edit User page. (click here if you don't know how to get to the Edit User page)
2. Click on Add Group to add the user to one or more groups.
3. Click on the Remove button of the group you want the user to be removed from.
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