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Alerts with “Requires Approval” Setting

Learn how to create and manage alerts with the "Requires Approval" setting.

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How to Create an Alert that "Requires Approval"

Approving an Alert



If a user sends an alert that "Requires Approval", it will need approval from an Admin user before being sent out to all users.


Enabling the approval requirement adds an additional step to the emergency response process, which may lead to delays during critical situations.

How to Create an Alert that "Requires Approval"

Step 1:

Navigate to Groups > Settings > Alert Types

Step 2:

Click Create New Alert to create a new alert type.

Step 3:

Enter your details and options for the alert then scroll down until you see the Requires Approval checkbox.

Toggle on the Requires Approval checkbox and click Save.

If you need to remember what these alert settings do OR edit an existing alert type to require an approval, visit the article below:

Creating and Editing Alert Icons



Approving or Denying an Alert

If a user sends an alert with the "Requires Approval" setting toggled on, it will need approval before being sent out.

To approve or deny the alert as an admin user, simply navigate to your alert screen and click on the Approve or Deny button.

Approving an alert will send the alert to all appropriate users.



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