Learn how to create and edit your alerts.
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Creating a New Alert
Step 1:
Navigate to your Group > Settings > Alert Types.
Step 2:
Click Create New Alert.
Step 3:
Upload the Alert's icon.
Step 4:
Enter the alert's name and description.
Step 5:
Choose the default Sound option. The user can still modify this before they send the alert.
If the user sends the alert with Silent by Default checked, the alert will be sent silently. This means the alert will still notify everyone's device, BUT there will be NO AUDIBLE SOUND.
Step 6:
Choose the default Visibility option. The user can still modify this before they send the alert.
If the user sends the alert as Internal, the alert will be sent to all members of the selected group whereas External will send the alert to both internal and external (local police).
Step 7:
Under Scoped Roles, you can limit the roles by marking which roles the alert will be sent to.
Visit the article below to find more information about scoped roles:
Scoped Alerts: Send alerts to only a specified group of users
Step 8: (For Parent Groups Only)
Toggle on or off the Shared checkbox.
The Shared checkbox allows Child groups to see and use this alert type.
Step 9:
Toggle on or off the Requires Approval checkbox.
Alerts with Requires Approval checked will require an admin's approval before it is sent to users. For more information, visit the article below:
Step 10:
Click Save to save your new alert.
Editing an Alert
If the alert you're editing is Shared, it must be edited from the Parent Group.
Step 1:
Navigate to your Group > Settings > Alert Types.
Step 2:
Select the Alert you'd like to edit.
Step 3:
Make the changes and click Save to save your edits.
Deleting an Alert
If the Alert you're deleting is Shared, you must do so from the Parent Group.
Step 1:
Navigate to your Group > Settings > Alert Types.
Step 2:
Select the Alert you'd like to delete.
Step 3:
Click Delete and press Ok on the confirmation pop-up to delete the alert.
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