Learn how to send an alert in E3.
Step 1:
Select a group from the group list, then click on the Alert icon.
Step 2:
All the alert types added for the selected group are then displayed. Choose the alert you want to trigger.
If you're unsure about which type of alert is suitable for your situation, you can visit the Plans tab for a brief description of the response to each kind of Alert.
Step 3:
Once a selection is made, a popup opens that shows the options for the alert.
Step 4:
Here, selecting Organization (Internal) sends an alert to all members of the selected group whereas choosing Everyone (External) sends an alert to the local police as well.
Step 5:
If the Silent Alert checkbox is checked, the alert will be sent silently. This means the alert will still notify everyone's device, BUT there will be NO AUDIBLE SOUND.
Step 6:
Click the Send Drill button for a practice. Click the Send Alert button for live alert.
Once you click Send Alert or Drill the alert will send and notify the appropriate users.
A Drill will send a normal alert but there will be a blue banner that says "Drill", both Drills and Alerts function the same way other than the blue drill banner.
For Admins
"Scope Alert For" Explained:
If the Alert is limited to certain roles, only users that are assigned the roles found within the "Scope Alert For" box will receive the alert.
If the "Scope Alert For" box does not exist, the alert will be sent to all group users.
You can manage Scoped Alerts by visiting the article below:
Scoped Alerts: Send alerts to only a specified group of users
Creating and Editing Alert Icons
As an admin, you may have the capability to manage your Alert Icons.
Check the article to know how to manage your alert icons:
Creating and Editing Alert Icons
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