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Windows Desktop App - Run the Scripts 💻

Here are some shortcuts or scripts to help you uninstall old version and/or install the latest version of E3 windows desktop app

Latest Version of Windows and Mac desktop apps can be found here.

First things first, make sure you do not have v1 on any machines. This is a legacy version and is no longer supported.

Uninstall Script for MSI installations
This will uninstall any version as long as it was installed with MSI.

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
taskkill /IM Emergent3.exe /F set "appName=Emergent3"
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%I in ('wmic product where "Name='%appName%'" get IdentifyingNumber /value ^| findstr IdentifyingNumber') do ( echo Uninstalling product with Product Code: %%I call msiexec /x "%%I" /qn )